Saturday, January 24, 2009

Mind Mapping

I was inspired by the "Creativity Series-Just Do It" by Holly in the Decor8blog. The series is a 10-week column to inspire creativity with a tip every Thursday.
Tip #1: Create a mind map exploring the topic of childhood creativity starting with "What I loved to do as a kid" in the middle.
I immediately connected with this topic and was surprised to find how many things I remembered and the great associations I had with childhood. Most of my favorite things were some sort of make-believe playing, physical playing or simple wandering/exploring. I'm hoping to find that some others have posted their mind maps, as well. I wouldn't be surprised to find these favorites among others mind map of this topic. Although, I don't expect to find "letting daddy long legs crawl on your arms" be a common favorite!
I'm looking forward to this series and having some fresh ideas for feeling creative.


Anonymous said...

Hiee Heather, i love that you share your mind map and love the colors as well! Is amazing how this mind map has helped me to remember a few things i've long forgotten. Have a great restful weekend! Is really nice meeting you! n_n

Jenny Sue Jewelry said...

i work with adults who've had strokes as a speech therapy clinician in group therapy settings and i think this would be a fabulous project to work on with them. i'd be interested to see how theirs turn out.

Laura said...

This is such a beautiful mind map! I also thought this activity was really interesting to do :)